Friday, July 22, 2016

Online Shopping Survival Guide

I am a chronic online shopper ( I seriously have a problem). There is nothing better than receiving clothes in the mail. Its like...Christmas to me. Who doesn't love Christmas? I do not go in store to purchase any of my clothing, shoes or accessories simply because I like the ease of turning on my laptop and shopping at my leisure. No cluttered stores or pushy sales persons and the way my schedule is setup.....yeah, online shopping is definitely for me. 

Most persons I know aren't fans of online shopping for various (typical) reasons. If you're like most of these persons you're either afraid of purchasing the wrong size, that the quality of the clothing won't be great, that you will be charged unnecessary fees or you simply wont get the product on time.

Don't let this be you.

Well, if you're one of those persons,I've created this guide just for you. Below is a list of some of my online shopping tips and tricks to hopefully help you feel better about this process. 

Tip #1: Read Reviews

Its important to read or watch reviews on the site that you intend to use, especially if its your first time shopping there. YouTube has been a huge influence in the way I online shop. I've found so many gems just by watching online clothing hauls from some of my favorite YouTubers. With that being said, some of those hauls are sponsored by the sites that these YouTubers feature. A way around that is to watch a haul from someone who doesn't have that many followers or viewers to get a more authentic opinion on the site. 

Another option is to google reviews for the site. There are tons of sites that offer platforms that allow regular persons like you and I to give our opinions on different websites and their products.  Maybe there's a particular item you're interested in purchasing, reviews on that item can help when there are women and men talking about their experiences and thoughts on that item. You should also use your discretion when reading these reviews. Some persons just use those platforms to bitch. If you've read more good reviews than bad then more than likely the site is a winner.  

Tip #2 : Check the sizing chart

Always read the sizing chart to find out which size would be best for you. Kind of a no brainer.  You can also pay special attention to reviews that you may have read on sites or items you are purchasing to find out how accurate their sizing charts really are. Note:  From my experience, sizing charts on Asian sites aren't very accurate. 

Tip #3: Google for Coupons

This is one of the most important things to do when online shopping. I always do a quick google search for coupons on sites before I checkout to ensure I get the best possible deals on the item. A cool site that you can sign up for is Retailmenot . You get to choose which sites you would want to get coupons for and they send you emails with a list of coupons or deals those online or actual stores may be running for that day/week.

Tip #4: Sample Shop

If you're concerned about the quality of the clothing you may get or the wait time to receive your items, you can do a sample purchase where you buy one item to test out the site. Never jump head first into making a large order from a site you know nothing about. I made this mistake once and  piece by piece the items I ordered were said to be out of stock. I ended up cancelling the entire thing and waiting an entire month for a refund.

Tip #5 : Read up on the Rates

I can't express enough how important it is to "Know ya boys". Read up on the shipping rates of the sites you intend to purchase from and the allotted time for each shipping choice. Most reviews written about clothing sites let you know how reliable they are when it comes to shipping so that can also help with your decision to make a purchase. 

You should also take note of any additional fees you may incur when ordering online. For me, I use a freight forwarding company and have to pay custom duties as well as additional duties to the company I use to ship my items to the Bahamas. I personally don't think its a big deal because a lot of the items here are kind of overpriced and at the end of the day I end up saving a few bucks. 

Well, there you have it. My top 5 tips for online shopping. Hopefully I made an online shopper of someone out there. I just want everyone to win and possibly become an addict like myself. Happy shoppers like company too. So go out there and win! 

                                                               She is so winning

Besos Loves.

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